San Carlos, CA

Economic Development

Economic Development seeks to grow the local economy, increase the City’s tax revenue base, and create more jobs by facilitating and encouraging business growth, real estate development, and recognition of San Carlos as a great place to live, work, play, and learn.

Economic Development Advisory Commission

The Economic Development Advisory Commission (EDAC) is a seven-member advisory commission appointed by the City Council. The commission members include representatives of our business community. EDAC members provide the City Council with advice and recommendations on our economic development programs, goals and objectives.

Learn more about EDAC

Business Resources and Links

The San Carlos City Business Resource Webpage is a one-stop-shop for all the economic development resources that you need to thrive as a resident or business owner in San Carlos, California.

Find Business Resources

Economic Development Plan

Since 2007 the City of San Carlos has used multi-year economic development plans and strategies to clearly articulate economic development policy priorities, guide investments, and inform resource allocation. The 2021-2024 Economic Development Plan (2021-2024 Plan) represents the next generation of economic development strategic planning for San Carlos. Developed with input from the Economic Development Advisory Commission, City staff, and consultants, the 2021-2024 Plan includes eleven strategic priorities organized around four themes, advancing many of the goals and objectives in the City’s Strategic Plan.  

2021-2024 Economic Development Plan

Development Process Overview

This short, easily digestible eBook is designed for people who live and work in San Carlos. It explains key elements of the development workflow, highlights important stakeholders, and points you toward additional resources that explain the details of this process, allowing you to become involved in development projects in the City of Good Living. 

Development Process in San Carlos

Redevelopment Agency

Our Redevelopment Agency was dissolved on Feb. 1, 2012, in accordance with California State law. The former Redevelopment Agency had a geographically defined Project Area. A portion of the property taxes from the properties within the project area went to support the activities of the Redevelopment Agency, including capital projects, economic development and affordable housing. We formed a Successor Agency to handle the unfinished business of the former Redevelopment Agency.

Redevelopment Agency

Shop Local

Shopping locally can make a big difference to your local economy, your community, and the quality of life in your City. There are economic, environmental, and community benefits associated with spending money within your own community. It encourages local prosperity, puts your taxes to good use, creates more good jobs, and helps reduce climate change impacts. We are counting on your support to keep our City of Good Living thriving.

Shop Local

Small Business Spotlight

The San Carlos Small Business Spotlight program is a new initiative that highlights local businesses and the economic diversity found in San Carlos. Ten businesses have been selected for our inaugural launch. 

Small Business Spotlight


Our Wayfinding Project will install new signs around town to help drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians get around our city in the most efficient way possible. The signs help direct people to downtown, public parking, the Caltrain station and other important locations in San Carlos.

San Carlos Wayfinding

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