San Carlos, CA


The Planning Division has two sections – Current Planning and Advance Planning. Current Planning is responsible for reviewing development applications (both large-scale and smaller-scale) and responding to zoning and other questions. Advance Planning is responsible for planning for the long-term growth and vibrancy of San Carlos. Both sections are dedicated to an inclusive, safe, and thriving San Carlos.

Boards and Commissions

Planning and Transportation Commission

Residential Design Review Committee

Development Projects

To explore more information about the large-scale projects that are proposed or being constructed in San Carlos, click below. 

View Development Projects  

New Homes and Additions

Are you thinking about adding on to your house or building a new house or an accessory dwelling unit? Click here: 

Planning Applications
Learn more about the submittal process for planning applications at the link below. 

Planning Applications

Plans and Standards

The City uses short-term and long-range plans to guide development and growth. Click here to learn about the plans and standards that are:

  • Currently being created, such as the Downtown Specific Plan, the Northeast Area Specific Plan, and the Objective Design Standards. 
  • Adopted, such as the General Plan, East Side Innovation District Plan, and others.
Plans and Standards


Are you interested in removing or pruning a tree in your yard? The City is committed to the preservation and growth of a healthy, diverse tree canopy throughout our community. To remove or prune a protected tree, a Tree Removal Permit is required.

Tree Removal Permit


The City of San Carlos maintains this Interactive Zoning Map which provides site-specific information for any property. The information includes: 

  • Allowable land uses
  • Standards for development
  • Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN)
  • Parcel size
  • Owner name and address on file with the San Mateo County Assessor’s Office
Anyone can access the City’s zoning information from the map-based interface by zooming in and clicking on a parcel, or typing an address or Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) into the search bar.

We recommend that you use Google Chrome as your browser with the Interactive Zoning Map for best results.

Zoning Ordinance

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