San Carlos, CA

Registry to Opt out of Handbills

If you’re a resident or business owner in San Carlos who doesn’t want unsolicited or unsubscribed handbills or literature of any kind from distributors on your premises, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Complete and submit the Refusal of Consent Form below to be added to the registry.

Step 2: Do you have a sign indicating your desire not to receive handbills or literature at your property?

No: If materials are received, notify the distributor in writing that you do not wish to receive any handbills or literature, and submit an affidavit to the Clerk’s Office. If materials from the same distributor continue to be delivered, notify the City Clerk of the violation.

Yes: Submit an affidavit to the City Clerk. If a handbill is received after submittal of an affidavit, notify the City Clerk of the violation.

Within 15 days of our receiving your form, your address will be added to the Refusal of Consent Registry List, which can be viewed online or at the City Police Bureau: 600 Elm St., San Carlos. Distributors are required to review the list before distributing handbills or literature and cannot leave them at any premises on the list. 

Please note that only one entry per address is necessary. All duplicates will be deleted.

The Municipal Code Chapter 5.45 provides more detail about this registry.

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