San Carlos, CA

Emergency Preparedness

Be Prepared And Plan In Advance Of A Disaster

In the event of a major disaster, you can be sure that the City of San Carlos is doing all it can to ensure public safety, and is working hard to restore services and return our community to normal.

But remember, disaster can strike quickly and without warning. It can force you to evacuate your neighborhood or confine you to your home, and your family may be without basic services like water, gas, electricity, and telephones, or access to stores and other services for several hours or days. While public safety personnel will be on the scene after a disaster, they cannot reach everyone right away.

Therefore, the best way to make your family and your home safe is to be prepared before disaster strikes.

The San Carlos & Redwood City Fire Department urges everyone to be responsible for their own and their family's safety and emergency preparedness by taking the time now to plan for such a situation. It's recommended that people be self-reliant, that is, able to get along without any outside services or assistance, for five to seven days.

Emergency Kit Checklist

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